The objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility of influencing growth capacity and lean meat content of gilts with conjugated linoleic acid. The experimental work was realized in operating conditions of a productive pig farm. During the experiments the gilts in the rearing were fed with a control feed mixture and an experimental feed supplemented with 2 % of conjugated linoleic acid for the time of 65 days. The aim of the evaluation was to test whether CLA influences the growth capacity and the lean meat content. The gilts in the experimental group, despite their lower initial weight 108.10 ± 6.56 kg versus 109.80 ± 9.67 kg, reached higher weight 148.05 ± 15.80 kg versus 135.75 ± 17.60 kg (P ? 0.05) at the end of the test. The evaluation of mean achieved daily gain for the time from birth to the end of the test confirmed higher values for the gilts in the experimental group 586.05 ± 66.64 g/day against 539.00 ± 62.19 g/day for the gilts in the control group (P ? 0.05). As for the lean meat content, no significant influence of CLA on its phenotypic manifestation was found.